You play as an employee of the Intergalactic Neutral Coordinated Embezzlement Legion (I.N.C.E.L) and your mission is to go through several planets to determine if it is decaying (definition is up to you) and save them (claim them)!  You are also allowed to destroy them if you fear they are uncooperative...


The game is supposed to run like this, scan the planet -> record and play the planets radio/audio signals -> decide whether it is decaying -> pass judgement

But most of it is not even implemented, spent most of my limited time on the art... so it's now just a click to find funny-sounding planets, listen to its inhabitants and destroy them.


  • Top-right red lever to go to other planets
  • Yellow button to Scan
  • Blue buttons for planet-related interactions
  • Red doesn't do anything...
  • Green saves the planet!

Try to conserve your energy for longer trips! Most actions take energy.


A bug fix was made for the WebGL build after deadline,  a visual bug that doesn't play the hyperspace effect, the executable version shows it normally, but not the WebGL version so a patch is added. The original WebGL build can also be found below in case.

Made by HageFX


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Just realized there is an issue with the video player for hyperspace jump on WebGL hence the white flash, the Executable version works fine, do please download that version thanks for the plays!